Area list ¦ Missing house numbers ¦ Missing streets ¦ Additional streets ¦ Update from OSM ¦ Existing house numbers ¦ Existing streets ¦
Overpass turbo ¦ Area boundary

OpenStreetMap additionally has the below 8 streets.
Plain text format
Checklist format
GPX format
Overpass turbo query for the below streets

IdentifierTypeSourceStreet name
592365057waystreetAkácos út
592366581waystreetBíbic köz
314899596waystreetGazdák útja
592366767waystreetGém utca
592368987waystreetGerle Imre út
972009916waystreetMagyar Köröszt utca
829229552waystreetTorony köz
276588543waystreetVadász út

Version: v25.2-79-g338b4c62 ¦ OSM data © OpenStreetMap contributors. ¦ Last update: 2025-03-26 11:59 (osm), 2025-02-06 03:17 (areas)