Area list ¦ Missing house numbers ¦ Missing streets ¦ Additional streets ¦ Update from OSM ¦ Existing house numbers ¦ Existing streets ¦
Overpass turbo ¦ Area boundary

OpenStreetMap additionally has the below 6 streets.
Plain text format
Checklist format
GPX format
Overpass turbo query for the below streets

IdentifierTypeSourceStreet name
226724716waystreetBorvirág utca
430447499waystreetRemete utca
335238916waystreetSzikla alatti-dűlő
488485479waystreetSzontagh Ottó útja
41976399waystreetSzőlő-sor utca
906511537waystreetVadvirág utca

Version: v25.2-79-g338b4c62 ¦ OSM data © OpenStreetMap contributors. ¦ Last update: 2025-03-26 12:07 (osm), 2025-02-06 03:17 (areas)